[ptx] Adobe DNG format SDK

JD Smith jdsmith at as.arizona.edu
Tue Apr 25 17:44:24 BST 2006

On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 12:46 +0100, Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Tue 25-Apr-2006 at 08:26 +0200, Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
> >
> > What are the problems, you meet with linear HDR's?
> I wasn't criticising cinepaint, I was really just repeating my 
> understanding from the thread JD Smith mentioned:
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.panotools/38135/
> ie: Although it is possible to treat linear 16bit data as a kind of 
> 'limited dynamic range' HDR, this is a bit of a hack - 'Real' HDR 
> data is floating-point.
> Having said that, the 16bit approach works fine.  This page 
> describes it, but needs renaming to "16bit workflow with hugin":
> http://www.panotools.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=HDR_workflow_with_hugin

Part of my brainstormed workflow (apart from the MDR blending of 3
+2,0,-2 bracketed images to fit snugly in a 16bit container) was the
ability to work with the intermediate 16bit linear MDR images as if they
were just normal images (TIFFs converted from RAW, say).  So if you need
to mask out a moving person before running through enblend, just fire up
your favorite 16bit editor and make it happen.  I think you couldn't do
this with 32bit TIFFs, OpenEXR, or any of the other HDR formats.  I
could never understand what was wrong with this proposed workflow, just
some fairly vague warnings about linear editing being a false economy,
which will do you more damage in the end than good.


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