[ptx] GUI Cross Platform Development

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Wed Mar 9 21:41:15 GMT 2005

Am 06.03.05, 08:58 +0800 schrieb Yili Zhao:

>   GTK#, C# and Mono are good things, but maybe people in Linux are reluctant to use them (like Sebastian wrote).
> It seems that wxWidgets is not stable in Mac. Anyone has used FLTK? It seems that it also support Win, Linux and Mac, and it has a GUI generator, and also support OpenGL and has a GLUT emulator.

Well, I do most of my programming now in fltk. It runs natively at least 
on quartz, but looks the same on every platform - no aqua buttons. 
For nearly all advanced widgets one need to look around and put into the 
project folder. FLTK is very light wight and needs much time to get 
utilized. FLU or the like add ons may help out.
I like it very much - no fat overhead as with Qt or gtk. But I would 
it not recommend for hugin, because it takes time from your great 

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann

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