[ptx] autopano-sift 2.2: match refinement

David Grant david.grant at telus.net
Mon Jan 17 07:46:15 GMT 2005

Is anyone else getting an error about a missing gdiplus.dll library?

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception 
was thrown by the type initializer for System.Drawing.GDIPlus ---> 
System.DllNotFoundException: gdiplus.dll


Sebastian Nowozin wrote:

>Hello panorama enthusiasts,
>I am proud to announce a new version of autopano-sift, version 2.2.  It adds a
>refining step for the keypoints found in which a small part of the original
>sized image is extracted for high precision matching (think "auto-refine" of
>hugin on steroids ;-).  For the best matching results possible.
>As always its available from
>	http://cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/autopano-sift/
>However, I have not gotten around to include the feature into the Windows GUI,
>sorry (if somebody wants to help with that, patches are welcome).  The
>refinement is only available on the command line and from the Gtk# GUI.
>Here is the CHANGES.txt:
>autopano-sift 2.2, libsift 1.7
>  + Add best quality refinement of control point matches.  To enable this, run
>    autopano.exe with "--refine".  Note that the original image files need to
>    be available.  Further information available in the manpage.  (So far its
>    not available in the native Windows GUI).
>  + Add options to autopanog, the Gtk# GUI.
>  + Update documentation.

David J. Grant

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