[ptx] hugin depedancies

David Grant david.grant at telus.net
Tue Jan 4 07:07:39 GMT 2005

David Grant wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on the Gentoo ebuilds for hugin, panorama-tools, 
> libpano12, etc...
> Can someone please confirm these dependancies for hugin for me?
> media-libs/libpano12 (don't have a specific version requirement here)
> >=sci-libs/fftw-2*
> virtual/jdk
> >=dev-libs/boost-1.30.0
> >=x11-libs/wxGTK-2.5.3 (for some reason in Gentoo, 2.4.2 doesn't have 
> wxrc)
> sys-libs/zlib
> media-libs/libpng
> media-libs/jpeg
> media-libs/tiff
> >=media-libs/vigra-1.3.0* (is this really required? there didn't seem 
> to be any detection for it by the configure script, or is it just a 
> runtime dependancy?)
> >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.0.3"
> Thanks,
> David
Oh, do I also need a dependency on the "panorama tools" (I believe Bruno 
calls this panorama-tools-nonfree) which contain

binaries: PTInterpolate, PTStitcher, PTMorpher, PTStereo, PTStripe, PTAverage, PTOptimizer
jars: ptpicker.jar, pteditor.jar, ptcrypt.jar

Why is there a new PTOptimizer when there is already one in libpano12? 
And are the jars really necessary? This is something which has really 
been confusing me for the last few days.

Currently I have two Gentoo ebuilds. One is for panorama-tools-nonfree 
which grabs the latest panorama-tools-nonfree src.rpm from Bruno's 
Fedora 2 files, and extracts those binaries listed above. The other is 
for libpano12 which we get from panotools.sf.net. I assume that Bruno's 
panorama-tools-nonfree has Max Lyon's patches as well as Helmut's and 
Bruno's as well perhaps? And I assume that panotools.sf.net's libpano12 
is the right one?

So if the panorama-tools-nonfree are required for hugin, what is the 
version requirement we should have for that.

BTW, I just merged two images with hugin tonight, it works great so far! 
Better than Canon's Photostitch program so far, which is the only other 
software I've ever used. So much more flexible and powerful!

David J. Grant

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