[ptx] autopano-sift 2.4 errors on suse 9.3 x86_64

Michael Galloway mgx at ornl.gov
Thu Dec 1 21:57:31 GMT 2005

good day all ..

just starting playing with various pano tools in linux. i'm tring to get autopano-sift 2.4 to
work for me. my system is a suse 9.3 x86_64 box. the error i get from the command line run is:

mgx at lance:~/pano> autopano-complete.sh  -o stevout.pto stev1.jpg stev2.jpg stev3.jpg stev4.jpg
Remaining arguments (4):
--> `stev1.jpg'
--> `stev2.jpg'
--> `stev3.jpg'
--> `stev4.jpg'
SIFT Keypoint Generation

Scaled picture, starting with scale 0.8929

The use of this software is restricted by certain conditions.
See the "LICENSE" file distributed with the program for details.

The University of British Columbia has applied for a patent on the SIFT
algorithm in the United States.  Commercial applications of this software may
require a license from the University of British Columbia.

Building octave, (528, 800)
Building octave, (264, 400)
Building octave, (132, 200)
Building octave, (66, 100)
Building octave, (33, 50)
  FindPeaks: scale 1.12, testing 3 levels
peak-search at level 1
peak-search at level 2
peak-search at level 3
Octave 0 has 1219 raw peaks
  filtered: 749 remaining from 1219, thats % 61.44
generating keypoints from peaks

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
in <0x00645> DScaleSpace:GenerateKeypointSingle (double,ScalePoint,int,double,int,double)
in <0x00125> DScaleSpace:GenerateKeypoints (System.Collections.ArrayList,int,double)
in <0x0061d> LoweFeatureDetector:DetectFeaturesDownscaled (ImageMap,int,double)
in <0x00339> GenerateKeys:Main (string[])

i get a similar error if i run the gtksharp version:

mgx at lance:~/pano> mono /usr/local/bin/autopanog.exe

The use of this software is restricted by certain conditions.
See the "LICENSE" file distributed with the program for details.

The University of British Columbia has applied for a patent on the SIFT
algorithm in the United States.  Commercial applications of this software may
require a license from the University of British Columbia.

Building octave, (463, 700)
Building octave, (231, 350)
Building octave, (115, 175)
Building octave, (57, 87)
  FindPeaks: scale 1.28, testing 3 levels
peak-search at level 1
peak-search at level 2
peak-search at level 3
Octave 0 has 908 raw peaks
  filtered: 553 remaining from 908, thats % 60.90
generating keypoints from peaks

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
in <0x00645> DScaleSpace:GenerateKeypointSingle (double,ScalePoint,int,double,int,double)
in <0x0012b> DScaleSpace:GenerateKeypoints (System.Collections.ArrayList,int,double)
in <0x0061d> LoweFeatureDetector:DetectFeaturesDownscaled (ImageMap,int,double)
in <0x0021e> Autopanog:GenerateKeypointForImage (Gtk.TreeModel,Gtk.TreePath,Gtk.TreeIter)
in <0x000b5> (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_bool_TreeModel_TreePath_TreeIter (Gtk.TreeModel,Gtk.TreePath,Gtk.TreeIter)
in <0x00167> GtkSharp.TreeModelForeachFuncWrapper:NativeCallback (intptr,intptr,Gtk.TreeIter&,intptr)
in <0x00058> (wrapper native-to-managed) GtkSharp.TreeModelForeachFuncWrapper:NativeCallback (intptr,intptr,Gtk.TreeIter&,intptr)
in (unmanaged) 0x2aaaabf3b6ae
in <0x0000f> (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.TreeStore:gtk_tree_model_foreach (intptr,GtkSharp.TreeModelForeachFuncNative,intptr)
in <0x0007e> Gtk.TreeStore:Foreach (Gtk.TreeModelForeachFunc)
in <0x004fa> Autopanog:OnComputeClicked (object,System.EventArgs)
in <0x0006c> (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_object_EventArgs (object,System.EventArgs)
in <0x00109> GtkSharp.voidObjectSignal:voidObjectCallback (intptr,int)
in <0x0003f> (wrapper native-to-managed) GtkSharp.voidObjectSignal:voidObjectCallback (intptr,int)
in (unmanaged) 0x2aaaacab3321
in <0x0000f> (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application:gtk_main ()
in <0x00010> Gtk.Application:Run ()
in <0x0042c> Autopanog:Main (string[])

mgx at lance:~/pano>

any help appreciated. thanks!

-- michael

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