[ptx] Problems with Autopano-Sift, Hugin, Enblend workflow for windows

Mike Runge mike at trozzreaxxion.net
Fri Oct 1 09:17:59 BST 2004

Hi Mark,
I'm using autopano-sift 1.7/hugin/enblend on wxpSP2.
See my comments between the lines

>Installation (XPsp2)
>1. Install Autopano-sift

>2. Install Mono/GTK#
I didn't installed this one

- Install pano tools (at least pano12.dll and PTOptimiser)

>3. Install Hugin
>4. Install Enblend
>Running autopano-sift:

>1. (Ugly, first crack, you can improve on this) in CMD do (yeah, default
>    "c:\Program Files\Mono-1.0.2\bin\mono" "c:\Program
>    to get the autopano GUI started. Watch the error/warnings fly by. One
>    would think that proper programming would NEVER produce these...

As far as I understood, the GUI is not working actually. Just drop your
image files onto autopano-sift.vbs (Installation put's an icon on your
Change some settings (if needed) and run. This will give you a hugin.pto

- Start hugin, open the ptofile.
- Correct the lens settings in the lesn tab (e.g. Load Exif).
- Add some verticals/horizontals
- Optimize(Custom) y,p,r
- check preview, edit boundaries/dimensions
- Optimize lens parameters
- stitch (nona, Tiff, Soft blending)
(- If required, load the final panorama and some of the single tiffs nona
creates in gimp/PS to edit some things manually.)

Hope this will work for you too,


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