[ptx] HuginOSX : Standalone

Ippei UKAI ippei_ukai at mac.com
Sun Jun 27 22:02:17 BST 2004

Some followups:

I noticed standalone is not yet standalone as Hugin uses other command 
line tools such as autopano internally.
What should we do with it?
1. Put them into the bundle as well.
2. Force users to put CommandLineTools foder in the same directory as 
the App.
3. Put into /usr/local/bin
4. Install them somewhere else. (Application Support or something)
5. Other
It is not critical issue until Hugin itself works well anyway...

As to the icon, I'm quite sure the original icons exists as larger size 
with alpha channel (probably as Gimp or Photoshop file). 
hugin/xrc/data/splash.png seems at least as big as 128pix.

  >>> 鵜飼 一平  (UKAI Ippei)  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
   My general e-mail and AIM:  ippei_ukai at mac.com
   Homepage:  http://homepage.mac.com/ippei_ukai/

On 27 Jun 2004, at 20:47, Axel Wernicke wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Am 27.06.2004 um 02:43 schrieb Ippei UKAI:
>> I have made huginApp.cpp and MainFrame.cpp to be able to find xrc 
>> directory inside the Application bundle, so HuginOSX now runs as a 
>> standalone application. I recompiled wx as static library, so I think 
>> the application should work on any Mac without installation; just 
>> copying App into anywhere just like other Mac apps. (Though its size 
>> is now 46MB.)
> Hero! :)
>> I will later upload it somewhere, but still the GUI problem around 
>> wxNotebok is critical and most functions are not accessible yet. That 
>> problem seems beyond my ability. I hope someone else can take a look 
>> at it.
> I'd anyway like to see it, so if there is any possibility for you to 
> provide an url for download I'd really appreciate that. May be I can 
> be of some help even if I don't get it compiled at all... (Haven't had 
> enough time to try the XCode way of doing it yet)
>> So, we need a creator and 128x128 application icon for Mac, don't we?
> Are there any images larger or equal to 128x128 that I could use as 
> source ??
> Axel!
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
> BW5/CWcoNbabmbHco/Zbmww=
> =R71N


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