[ptx] some improvments

Pablo d'Angelo pablo.dangelo at web.de
Sat Jul 3 10:53:02 BST 2004


I'm just preparing a new snapshot, with the following main changes:

1. support spaces in filenames. Does anybody know how to escape a " inside
   a cmd line argument on windows? (For usage with the CreateProcess() function).

2. quick modes, for enblended tiff, simple jpeg (without enblend so far),
   and multilayer formats

3. some smaller cosmetic changes

4. cmd line interface to autopano-sift looks like this:

my-frontendscript -o output.pto -p 19 img1 img2 ...

options can be:  -o | --output   name    filename of created panorama project
                 -p | --points   number  number of generated control points between,
                                         each pair, default: 10

linux users can use the run-autopano-sift.sh script provided in hugin/utils.
(just copy it somewhere into the path). I hope that something like that also becomes
part of a future autopano-sift release.

No ready scripts for windows users yet. but I would appreciate if somebody
could write some (my win32 scripting skills are nonexistant).

The script calling interface can be changed in the registry/configfile, if it
is absolutely needed, but I would like to see programs using the above

the key/option is Autopano/Args, one can specify any cmdline arguments here, the following
substitutions are done:

%p  number of points
%o  output pto file
%i  image filenames


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