[ptx] automatch - some progress picking control points

Ed Halley ed at halley.cc
Wed Jan 14 12:55:41 GMT 2004

On Wed, 2004-01-14 at 06:11, Bruno Postle wrote:
> My latest version tries to validate each set of control-points by
> trying to build them into a network - It has a bug where sometimes
> all the points it finds are correct and sometimes all the points are
> wrong.

Are you trying a Delaunay triangularization?  It should be a super-easy
way to get non-overlapping triangles from a set of points.  I think that
"non-overlapping" is not in and of itself a useful trait here, but the
side effect is that you won't get many thin shard triangles where the
corner angles and lengths are problematic.

I have a Perl module that I haven't put to CPAN which does the Delaunay
triangularization for an arbitrary set of points.  I expect google would
have some C versions too.

[ e d @ h a l l e y . c c ]

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