control point picker & list fixes

Mike Runge mike at
Tue Oct 7 15:01:26 BST 2003

Hi Pit,

>Hm, but in the zoomed-out view it's harder to tell if the match is
>good.  Then again, wrong positions normally are way off and easy to
>detect even in zoom-out.  So I'm probably just nitpicking..
>But I see the the 'addanyhow button' is in now.  Thanks!

Hmm, you're right, maybe it should stay zoomed for a second or should return
to fit-to-screen on mb3 or so?!

>> if aft is off:
>>   the first click zooms in, but doesn't create a control point yet.
>>   the second click creates the control point and zooms out again.
>This one I do like.
>Hmm, maybe it's nor intuitive, but what about using right-mouse to
>close, so you do have a chance to set/check points more than one time?

Yes, exactly my thoughts. Having additional zoomed windows like PTOpenGui
would solve the problem?! My method with PTOpenGui always was:
- picking in fit_to_screen window 1
- adjusting in 100% view window 1 (if nessesairy)
- picking in fit_to_screen window 2
- adjusting in 100% view window 2 (if nessesairy)

Seems to be, that Pit likes more to work in 100% view, i prefer the
fit-to-screen variant for intial picking and 100% for adjusting?!  

>Now to the bad part.  Already mentioned by Mike, about the point list
>display.  It's not only that the list cursor is no longer
>automatically pointed to the last entered pair, but:
> - it's no longer that the color of the encircled points automatically
>   changes, so you know the red one is the last pair.
> - even klicking on a point in the image display doesn't activate the
>   list entry.  So if I want to remove a special point, I'll have to
>   go klicking through the list and wait 'til the one I want to
>   rease/chenge turns red...
Using the back button should do for now what you want.

>Please(!) return that to the old behaviour!

I would appriciate that too. In combination with a key to zoom/center the
actual control point pair that would work pretty comfortable?!

best, mike

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