
Pablo d'Angelo pablo at
Mon Oct 6 07:42:36 BST 2003

On Mon, 06 Oct 2003, Yili Zhao wrote:

> Pablo wrote:
> >I also can't use ptstitcher's algorithm for seaming since it appears to
> >be implemented in the PTStitcher binary, not the pano12 library.
> But I see there are some piece of code for seaming in pano12 library.

This is the code for the photoshop plugins, its not as advanced as the
one used by PTStitcher

> I think the framework of hugin is stable now. Do you mean that user only 
> need to hit a "create control points" button, then some control points will
> be added to images automatically, then after optimizing, control points
> with large distance will be deleted ? 

Jep, something like that. I thought along the lines of:

1. harris corner detection in an image pair
2. take the corners with the highest score from each pair,
   use correlation to find possible pairs
3. do a local optimisation (using pano tools optimizer)
4. remove points with large distance. Maybe I could also take
   one of the next best points 2.) that matches well, and fits into
   the current transform.

This obviously depends how good step 1 and 2 work. to many false
candiates and everything will fail, because the optimisation error is
not a measurement for a bad corrospondence then.

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