[ptx] faster stitcher

Yili Zhao ylzhao at vip.sina.com
Sun Nov 23 02:04:27 GMT 2003

  I am interested in testing the faster stitcher also.
Does it can run on Windows platform? What is impex?
  Since hugin have used vigra's headfiles, why not hugin also uses
vigra library in the future for more image processing function? It 
seems that vigra needs libjpeg, libtiff, libpng for image support, 
and needs libfftw (version 2.1.3) for Fourier transform. PT and wxWindows 
also included libjpeg, libtiff and libpng. If hugin uses vigra library and 
wxWindows library, will they conflict in image reading and writing?
  I will download full version of vigra and fftw and compile them on
Windows platform. Does anyone have some experience on this topic?


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