Problems under Debian; Questions

Bruno Postle bruno at
Thu Nov 13 22:45:52 GMT 2003

On Thu 13-Nov-2003 at 04:28:48PM -0500, Keir Mierle wrote:
> I saved the stitcher script Hugin made to a seperate file. When running
> standalone, here's what I get:
> $ PTStitcher -o blah.jpg scr.txt
> PTStitcher: relocation error: PTStitcher: undefined symbol: readAdjustLine

Don't know, "readAdjustLine" is part of libpano.  Do you have in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib?

> Is Panarama Tools discontinued?  It appears the original author is
> no longer maintaining it.

That's right.

> Is it time for someone to set up a sourceforge project for it?

Maybe, the nearest thing there is to a maintainer is Max Lyons, who
distributes a patched win32 version with source:

> And, is there source for the PT* helper functions?

Nope :-(

> On the source topic: I'm trying to compile the library, and it seems sys_ansi.h
> or sys_x11.h is missing. Where can I find the whole source distribution?

sys_ansi.h was forgotten in the tarball, this was never fixed, but
the file was distributed separately later.

I've collected this with various patches and put together a RPM

You can use this RPM in debian in various ways:

  - extract the original tarball + patches using rpm2cpio from the
    src.rpm file - patch and build it yourself but note that there
    is no 'make install'.

  - use alien to convert the rpm to a deb package and install that.

  - use alien to convert the src.rpm and build a working source deb
    package (send it to me and I'll put it with the rest).

  - install the .deb file I already created with alien (apparently
    it works fine).

> Perhaps the README should mention that you have to put the sources for
> into the source directory in a dir 'pano12'. Eventually I figured
> this out, but it would have been easier if the README mentioned it!

The hugin build expects to find the libpano header files in
somewhere like /usr/include/pano12 or /usr/local/include/pano12.
You should have this if you installed the rpm or deb.


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