CVS has new feature - my first major checking

Ed Halley ed at
Sat Nov 1 03:15:47 GMT 2003

Please contact me (and be gentle) if I've screwed up anything
in this checkin on CVS.  Everything should build just fine,
and there are five new graphics files in the hugin/xrc/data/.

New feature:  the Panorama Druid.

If you look inside the Preview Pane, below the empty black
area, you'll see the Panorama Druid's best advice on what you
should do next to finish your panorama project.  An empty pano
needs new images.  If the HFOV is too tiny or the final image
is massive, the Druid will warn you.  It doesn't stop you from
doing the wrong thing, but hopefully it will guide newcomers to
a successful panoramic project.

The graphics and layout are a first-draft, and I haven't tested
it on Windows (wxWindows on Windows supports PNG too, right?).
They may seem a little large compared to the other graphics.
Other graphics I will be adding will be small but will tie into
the coloring and style seen here.

This is very limited right now, but will be expanding as I can
find ways to calculate and detect other "problems" with a pano
project file.

Ideas welcome, as well as any overall feedback.

[ e d @ h a l l e y . c c ]

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