xml/pt-helper/wrapper scripts

Bruno Postle bruno@postle.net
Sun, 5 May 2002 00:28:34 +0100

Hi, I've done the last bit of the wrapper scripts I've been working on:


They're not at all perfect, and certainly not the last word, but at
least they represent the logic required to:

- Take a project xml file and construct a PTStitcher-ready script.txt
  file from it.

- Take a project xml file and construct a PTOptimizer-ready script.txt
  file from it.

- Take a project xml file and an optimized script.txt file, merge them
  back into an updated xml project file.

Probably the xml format needs changing to suit the gui requirements and
maybe it all needs to be reimplemented in C (not by me though :-).

Shall I put this into the savannah cvs?
