[OccupySheffieldNews] Fw: March SACA Meeting

CLAIRE BOURNE bourne138 at btinternet.com
Wed Mar 6 19:33:59 GMT 2013

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Sheffield Anti Cuts Campaign <sheffieldanticutscampaign at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 6 March 2013, 15:12
Subject: March SACA Meeting

To SACA mailing list:

The monthly meeting of SACA will be next Tuesday evening March 12th.
Venue to be arranged.

Please let me know any items you want to put on the agenda.

Geoff Turner

Sheffield Anti Cuts Alliance is a grass roots working class anti cuts organisation bringing together trade unionists, campaigners, students, the unemployed, pensioners and disabled people against the cuts.
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