[OccupySheffieldNews] Strategy Week, Response to Letter from Sheffield Cathedral and other news...

barriers2bridges at virginmedia.com barriers2bridges at virginmedia.com
Fri Jan 20 15:54:19 GMT 2012

See the attached info on the rally for the programme/website etc.:

Hiya Comrades,

The list of participants for the Rally of the 99%: Voice of the Boiceless,
has come together nicely and looks to provide a platform of various areas
needing addressing on the margins.

As a visually impaired organiser, please identify yourself to me when you
get to town hall, so I know you're there and ready to speak.
I will be there from twenty to 1 at the latest to get things ready and in
position with the loud speaker etc.
For people who don't know me, I'll be in a purple coat, 5 ft 2 and probably
holding a banner.
Our introducer will be Richard Brown and the list of participants will
appear as followed to accommodate as many time constraints as possible, this
order of participants appearing can be tweeked during the rally if need be:

1	Tom Redfearn (occupy Sheffield)
2	Jillian Creasy (Green party) to speak up for Surestart
3	a speaker for Defend Council Housing (yet TBC)
4	Colin Hampton (Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Centre)
5	Tom Whittaker (Speaking Up for Advocacy) SUFA, on the volunteer
6	 Dawn Hunt (Socialist party) speaking up for people with additional
7	 Alan Thorpe (entrepreneur with a visual impairment)
8	 Barry Biddulph (trade unionist)
9	 Maxine Bowler (Sheffield Anti-cuts Alliance)   
10	 Alistair Tice (Socialist party) on a Socialist alternative

There will be open mic space for as long as people appear interested to

See you in solidarity and thanks again for your participation,
Dawn Hunt

-----Original Message-----
From: info at occupysheffield.org.uk [mailto:info at occupysheffield.org.uk] 
Sent: 08 January 2012 23:37
To: occupysheffieldnews at email-lists.org
Subject: [OccupySheffieldNews] Strategy Week, Response to Letter from
Sheffield Cathedral and other news...


Occupy Sheffield is having a Strategy Week, with
discussions at each General Assembly from Saturday 7th
January, every day, for a week, at 6:30pm at the Church
Street Camp, more info:

- https://occupysheffield.org/2012/01/07/occupy-sheffield-strategy-week/

A futher email has been sent to the Cathedral:


The Citadel of Hope now has a wonderful logo:

- https://occupysheffield.org/2012/01/08/logo-for-the-citadel-of-hope/

Notes from the 5th and 6th Jan GA's have been added to the

- https://occupywiki.org.uk/wiki/Sheffield/20120106
- https://occupywiki.org.uk/wiki/Sheffield/20120107

An edit of the 6th Jan Rony Robinson BBC Radio Sheffield
show has been uploaded here:


See all the audio files here:

- https://occupysheffield.org/audio/

And for other news follow us on Twitter:

- https://twitter.com/occupysheffield
- https://twitter.com/Citadel_Of_Hope

Occupy Sheffield

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