[OccupySheffield] Target: 1 million emails in 24 hours to save the NHS

David Kirkham sheffield.uncut at hotmail.co.uk
Sun Mar 11 23:33:46 GMT 2012

The gadget in the link below allows you click to email any Lib Dem MP you wish.  Yesterday, 26,000+ of you 
already tweeted just over half  (36) of their MPs to save the NHS, but many are 
not on twitter. We will add all the Lib Dem MPs to the drop down menu throughout 
the day.  You can preview the default email by simply selecting 'preview'.  We 
estimate that in all upwards of half a million tweets were sent to Lib Dem MPs 
asking them to vote with Labour to stop the NHS Bill on the 13/03/12.  There are 
cracks appearing in the Lib Dem leadership and that is understandable. Today, 
59% of Lib Dem delegates refused to endorse the party's position on the NHS. 
Now, there is a crucial vote in the House of Commons on 13 March which is this 
Tuesday. The vote although not binding is absolutely critical for it will 
consider Dr Chand's e-petition to 'Drop the bill'. If the Tory Party were to 
lose this vote it would be unimaginable that they could proceed with the 
dismantling of our NHS. To help make that vote successful, we are calling on you 
to let your voice be heard. If you wish, the gadget above will in one click 
allow you to email a Liberal Democrat MP. 

The gadget was kindly prepared 
by the chairperson of our Labour Left Wales Committee @BrianfMoylan. We in 
Labour Left, and I am sure many wider afield, are very grateful for his input. 
You can view more of his work here. If you have queries 
about how to work the gadget, Brian is happy to respond to your tweets.  We are 
also very very grateful for all the wonderful work that many great people in the 
Green Party, the Liberal Democrats, Labour, and even some Tories have put in to 
halting this NHS Bill. You should all be very proud of your efforts. Please 
continue to respect the wishes of organisers that the campaign be conducted in a 
polite manner. http://eoin-clarke.blogspot.com/2012/03/target-1-million-emails-in-24-hours-to.html

David Kirkham


      UK Uncut is a grassroots movement taking action to highlight alternatives to the government's spending cuts      To keep up to date, follow us on Facebook      and Twitter      You can also sign up to receive emails when someone lists an action near you    

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