[OccupySheffield] RBS: Fair bonus?

David Kirkham davidkirkham at live.co.uk
Fri Jan 27 17:04:56 GMT 2012

38 Degrees

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	Have you seen the news today? Stephen Hester, chief of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), has been awarded a bonus worth £1 million. [1]

We’ve already had to bail RBS out to the tune of billions of pounds. Since then, it's failed to meet small business lending targets set by the government. [2] Now, we’re expected to cough up £1 million to reward the chief executive for good work.

	Politicians have failed to stop RBS awarding this bonus to Stephen Hester. Today, lots of them are speaking out, asking him to refuse to accept the money. [3] If we all add our names to a huge petition telling Stephen Hester to refuse his bonus, we can shame him into doing the right thing. 

Click here to sign the petition:

	The gap between the have and have-nots in our society is getting bigger all the time.  Many wealthy bankers, politicians and businessmen seem to live in a different world from the rest of us. In their world, it's the done thing to make as much money as possible for yourself while watching others struggle to get by.

	Government ministers have failed to stop this massive payout - so let’s tell Stephen Hester that tens of thousands of us are disgusted at his bonus and demand that he do the right thing:

	Today, politicians from all sides have spoken out against the £1 million bonus paid to the RBS chief. A Foreign Office minister, Jeremy Browne MP, said that Mr Hestor earned more in three days than a soldier fighting in Afghanistan earns in a year. [4]

	When half a million of us spoke out together this time last year, we stopped the sell-off of England’s woodlands. [5] People power worked! Now, together, we can demand that Stephen Hester does the right thing and refuses his million pound bonus. We’ll deliver all the signatures to him at the RBS offices. He might decide that the money means more to him than his sense of what’s right and wrong. Or he might bow to our pressure and refuse to accept the payout.

	One way or the other,  we can send this bank boss a clear message - tens of thousands of us believe that it is wrong for him to take this money.

Add your voice to the message to RBS boss Stephen Hester:

	Thanks for being involved,

	Marie, Becky, Hannah, David, Johnny, Cian and the 38 Degrees team


	[1] http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/298320/Bailed-out-bank-chief-Stephen-Hester-receives-1million-bonus/

	[2] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/8889611/Project-Merlin-fails-small-business-lending-test.html

	[3] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/9043366/Boris-Johnson-brands-RBS-chiefs-bonus-absolutely-bewildering.html

	[4] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2092652/RBS-boss-turn-1m-bonus-says-leading-Lib-Dem-outrage-reward-failure-builds.html

	[5] http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/we-got-it-wrong-on-forests-says-spelman-2217731.html/

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