[OccupySheffield] URGENT!!! Somebody Please Contact Sarah Balfour

David Kirkham davidkirkham at live.co.uk
Mon Jan 23 14:06:54 GMT 2012

I'm worried Sarah Balfour might be planning to do something drastic; she posted this on FB 40 minutes ago.  If you know her address or phone number please contact her NOW. You are my friends, but I don't deserve to have you. 
 Was supposed to be at housing today, but didn't know about it until it was too late. 
 If I've upset or hurt any of you, I'm sorry, please believe me when I say I didn't mean to. 
 Sick of being sick
 Tired of being tired
 Bored of being bored
 Fucked with being fucked
 Done with being dumb
 You're tender and you're tired
 You can't be bothered to decide
 Whether you live or die
 Or just forget about your life...
 Had enough. I know this is a war I'm NEVER going to win... http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/occupysheffield

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