[OccupySheffield] St Paul's protest: Canon on 'the bigger picture'

David Kirkham davidkirkham at live.co.uk
Thu Jan 5 15:54:28 GMT 2012

Interview with Canon Giles Fraser, BBC 'Newsnight' January 4 2012.  "There are practical problems with the camp being there... I actually think the bigger picture is the questions they are raising... The key issue is a theological one, it's not about money, the question is what do we stand for as a church...what were the reasons for which the Cathedral was built...we have to go back to our founding ideas and go back to The Bible...and if you look there you will see that issues of economic justice are the number one moral issue in The Bible. One has to be very, very careful that we distinguish between the needs of a () building and the Church as an organisation that spreads the gospel...Now there are times when the two things are in tension...you have to ask yourself about extraordinary compromises and balances...you have to recognise the reasons for which those church buildings were built"
 Some may see some parallels with Occupy Sheffield (local media and Occupy wiki, passim and ad nauseum) For example: https://occupysheffield.org/2011/12/24/toby-foster/   David Kirkham
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