[OccupySheffield] City Council Motions

Dave Havard deacondave777 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 17:48:43 GMT 2012

Hi all,

This is from the Green party newsletter:

     Notice Of Motion Given By Councillor Jillian Creasy

That this Council:-

(a)       believes that the encampment of citizens outside the Anglican
cathedral, ‘Occupy Sheffield’, represents part of a growing, global
movement for real democracy, authentic global equality and justice, and a
sustainable economic and ecological future;

(b)       notes that this occupation, together with hundreds of others
worldwide, is not simply a protest, but an effort to bring to life the
inclusive, equitable and sustainable systems desired;

(c)        believes that this movement, and its participants in Sheffield,
have significant support in the wider population;

(d)       supports their call for structural change towards global equality
including independent regulation of industries and for the world’s
resources to go towards caring for people and the planet rather than the
military, corporate profits and the rich;

(e)       encourages all councillors to read the full set of demands at
www.occupysheffield.org and to visit the camp for themselves; and

(f)         congratulates Occupy Sheffield and supports their right to


Amendment to be moved by Councillor Julie Dore, seconded by Councillor
Harry Harpham

That the Motion now submitted be amended by the deletion of all the words
after the words ‘That this Council’ and the substitution of the following
words therefor:-

   (a) notes that the Occupy Movement both in Britain and internationally
raise important issues around the way that our economic system is not
working for the majority of people;

(b) further notes that the presence outside Sheffield Cathedral replicates
that at St Paul’s in London and hundreds of similar demonstrations in
cities across the world;

(c) believes that we need a more responsible economy and that the
legitimate concerns raised by Occupy enter the debate about how to achieve

(d) further believes that the methods of Occupy will not receive universal
support, however acknowledges their right to protest peacefully; and

(e) fully supports the important work of Sheffield Cathedral and, in light
of recent comments by the Dean of the Cathedral indicating that it is now
his wish for the protestors to leave the Cathedral, hopes that the church
and Occupy will work together to reach a mutually agreeable solution.
The occupation now faces a winter test of their resolve and they need our
support. The best place to follow events is the website
https://occupysheffield.org/. Better still, visit the occupation, ask them
what their current needs are and see if you can help.

In peace and hope,
Deacon Dave
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