[OccupyComms] Fwd: [Squares] Mexican movement #YoSoy132 #MarchaYoSoy132

Mark Barrett marknbarrett at googlemail.com
Sat Jun 2 07:23:58 GMT 2012

Summary at http://www.peoplesassemblies.org/2012/06/mexico-movement/

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Conclusions of the first general assembly of the Mexican movement
#YoSoy132 (spanish):

My thoughts:
We've been investigating and the people confirmed that is legit, no
political party nor union are ruling this movement, it emerged as any
other in Mexico. This is great news, they have their own, with their
name and their demands, which I think it's perfect.
In the conclusions you can see how they're inspired internationally
but how much they know about their history and their political
situation, and which kind of solutions are proposing for things that
are really difficult to fight against like the drug and the mafia.

I want to remark that in those conclusions you can see that they
stated to be in touch with 15M and OccupyWallSt, so I think we need to
talk with them and explain what's the situation and how to coordinate
the fights.

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