[OccupyComms] [Squares] occupation banks

Jonathan Stevenson jonathan at jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk
Fri Feb 17 19:58:35 GMT 2012

Hi everyone,

There is a Greek debt audit campaign, you can see their website here: http://www.elegr.gr/, and an English version of their statement last week here: http://bit.ly/ujKd3q. They also have a petition (English at the bottom): http://www.gopetition.com/petition/43171.html

Bank/hedge fund occupations is a great idea! And 3 March sounds like a good lead-in time. There is also the European Commission building in London: http://g.co/maps/9jhp3


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mark Barrett 
To: squares at lists.takethesquare.net ; lsxcampeconomics at googlegroups.com ; occupylondon at groupspaces.com ; <occupycomms at email-lists.org> 
Cc: Life Benjamin BALL 
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Squares] occupation banks

Here in London the Economic WG has started to communicate with http://www.jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk/ who are working hard on the debt audit idea 

London / UK pls see below 3rd March  call from Sophie for solidarity with Greece against debt.  


On 17 February 2012 18:58, <niel at squat.net> wrote:

  +++++++ Great idea!, do we talk about squatting properties from the 1%?
  tomorrow we can use the demonstration to promote this action and organize
  affinity groups, but I was thinking that we can also connect via our
  networks the groups working on the debt cancellation, for exemple in
  barcelona we have one and they will make something tomorrow, and I met a
  lot of groups on this topic in portugal, greece, italy or france, may be
  it's a good time to connect and start common projects for example a
  petition for an audit on the greek debt or the next global actions focused
  on the debt cancellation...

  > Hello,
  > some people are thinking to call to a next action in solidarity with
  > Greece, on the 3rd of march, it would be occupations of banks that detain
  > debt from Greece
  > are the banks opened in saturday in your countries ? (the banks in France
  > are opened during the morning)
  > cheers
  > Sophie

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