[freearchitecture] Re: Re: x3d-cad vs. step

Terry Hancock hancock at anansispaceworks.com
Sat Sep 29 00:22:32 BST 2007

Lars O. Grobe wrote:
> A short follow-up - could these routines be written in Express? I mean
> can I put a routine written in Express into a Step file creating a stair
> geometry defined by paramters that would be understood by all
> step-parsers than???
> I just try to learn what is possible... ;-) Lars.

A caveat -- although scripting is a nice feature, it's also a hazard!

If you can write scripts within the document, you can -- unless one is
very, very careful -- also write viruses into it.

Even on relatively secure systems (e.g. Linux), this is a real threat,
and since the most likely thing to be infected would be the user's
other CAD files, this will be a really nasty problem if it did happen.

>From the application developer's PoV, this means any such code must be
run in a sandbox. From the format developers' PoV, it might mean "no
thanks, we'll do without scripting".

Just something to consider.


Terry Hancock (hancock at AnansiSpaceworks.com)
Anansi Spaceworks http://www.AnansiSpaceworks.com

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