[esocialaction] FW: PDC 2010: The 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference, Sydney, Nov/Dec 2010

Dearden, Andrew M A.M.Dearden at shu.ac.uk
Fri Dec 11 09:29:30 GMT 2009

PDC 2010: The 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference
           Participation :: the challenge

November 29 - December 3, 2010
Sydney, NSW, Australia
twitter: @PDCSydney

Join us to celebrate the first PDC to be held in the southern hemisphere! The conference theme for this Participatory Design Conference, PDC 2010, is: Participation :: the challenge. Participation is the complex, contested, changing, creative and celebratory core of participatory design. We invite you to explore what participation can and needs to mean in the design contexts where we are working now and those we are likely to encounter soon. While current 'best practice' in many areas of interactive technology design now at least pays lip service to people's participation, how is this participation being negotiated and defined, and by whom? And if Participatory Design methods developed some 20 years ago are claimed to have become standard design practice, how do we go about developing the methods that will define standard design practice 20 years from now?

In this deliberately forward looking PDC we invite you to join us to explore the current and emerging equivalents to the pioneering Participatory Design focus on involving people in the introduction of technology into their work. What are the important areas where people need to participate now? How does the 'new' generation of designers see participation? How are new information and communications technologies impacting what participation means and how it can be enabled? What are the roles of participants? How do we learn to identify and communicate the seemingly-participatory, where it is only appearances and decoration that are offered for people's decisions? Is participation the new black?

Participatory Design is a diverse collection of principles and practices aimed at making technologies, tools, environments, businesses, and social institutions more responsive to human needs. It brings together a multidisciplinary and international group of software developers, researchers, social scientists, managers, designers, practitioners, users, cultural workers, activists and citizens who both advocate and adopt distinctively participatory approaches in the development of information and communication artefacts, systems, services and technology. A central tenet of Participatory Design is the direct involvement of people in the co-design of things and technologies they use. A central concern has always been to understand how collaborative design processes can be driven by the participation of the people affected by the technology designed.

research papers, workshops, tutorials:         May 3, 2010
     - acceptance notification:                 June 10, 2010
exploratory papers, panels, posters, DC:       August 13, 2010
    - acceptance notification:                  September13, 2010
Final camera-ready submission:                 October 1, 2010

We invite submissions of:
Research papers: (full paper - maximum 10 pages) Research papers should report on completed research which furthers topics in Participatory Design. Research papers will be published in the ACM International Conference series. High academic standards will be expected. Each submitted paper will be double blind reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. 
Accepted papers should be revised according to the review reports and the language should be checked by a native English speaker.

Exploratory papers: (short paper - maximum 4 pages) Exploratory papers should present ideas that could benefit from discussion with members of the Participatory Design community. These papers may include work-in-progress, experiences of reflective practitioners, and first drafts of novel concepts and approaches. Each submitted paper will be double blind reviewed by at least 3 reviewers.

Interactive workshops: (2 page proposal) Half day and full day sessions on topics that include methods, practices, and other areas of interest and that support an interactive format where active participation beyond presentation is solicited. The proposal must justify the need for the workshop and should contain a title, goals, technique, relevance to Participatory Design and a schedule. Intended participants and how they will be recruited should also be described.

Tutorials: (2 page proposal) Half day and full day sessions for teaching conceptual frameworks, methods/techniques, and novel approaches. The proposal should contain a title, goals, technique, relevance to Participatory Design and a schedule. Please describe any handouts that you intend to make available in the proposal.

Doctoral consortium: (2 page proposal) Full day session. The doctoral consortium is intended for PhD students working within the field of Participatory Design. It will provide students with an opportunity to present issues of concern to them in their doctoral studies and receive extensive feedback from the session co-chairs and student participants. 
Enrolment is limited and selection will been based on application submissions. The proposal should give an overview of the PhD project, including research question, method, how the PhD work is related to Participatory Design, the status of current work, major findings and plans for further research.

Artefacts, posters, products, interactive demonstrations: (2 page
proposal) Works may include projects, techniques, and products developed with a commitment to the principles and philosophy of Participatory Design and they may incorporate any forms or genres of information/communication technologies or digital media (e.g., sound, still/moving images, touch, space, text, etc.). Successful proposals will be presented during an evening session where participants can interact with presenters and artefacts. The proposal should include title, goals, technique, relevance to Participatory Design and a sketch or design, as appropriate.

Participatory design industry cases: (2 page proposal) For a special one day track presenting projects and products developed with a commitment to the principles and philosophy of Participatory Design in industry. 
This is a new type of submission intended for designers working in industry to come and present and discuss Participatory Design projects that they have been part of. It does not require academic reviewing and will be reviewed instead by an industry panel. The proposal should include title, goals, methods and relevance to Participatory Design.
Submissions should follow the SIGCHI Conference Proceedings Format. A submission template will be available from www.pdc2010.org.

The proceedings (research papers) will be published in the ACM International Conference series. Exploratory papers, Workshop descriptions, Tutorials descriptions, Doctoral proposals, and Art work descriptions will be published by CPSR.

Conference chairs (chair at pdc2010.org)
Toni Robertson, Univ. of Technology, Sydney, Australia Keld Bødker, Roskilde University, Denmark

Program chairs (pc at pdc2010.org)
(Research papers, panels)
Tone Bratteteig, University of Oslo, Norway Julian Orr, Black Sheep Farm, USA Daria Loi, Intel Corporation, USA

Exploratory papers (exploratory at pdc2010.org) Joan Greenbaum, City Univ. of New York, USA Thomas Herrmann, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany Anne Marie Kanstrup, Aalborg University, Denmark Annelie Ekelin, Univ. of Kalmar/Linnaeus Univ., Sweden

Workshops and tutorials (workshops at pdc2010.org) Jacob Buur, Univ. of Southern Denmark, Denmark Barbara Andrews, Independent, USA Therese Anderson, Univ. of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Industry cases (industry at pdc2010.org)
Penny Hagen, Univ. of Technology, Sydney, Australia Ellen Balka, Simon Fraser Univ., Vancouver, Canada Jeanette Blomberg, IBM Almaden Research Centre, USA

Art chair (art at pdc2008.org)
Lizzie Muller, Univ. of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Doctorial consortium (phd at pdc2010.org)
Ina Wagner, Technical University of Vienna, Austria Pelle Ehn, K3, Malmö University, Sweden Sisse Finken, University of Oslo, Norway Volkmar Pipek, University of Siegen, Germany

Artful integration award
Lucy Suchman, Lancaster University, UK

Local organizing committee
Margot Brereton, Adam Carter, Susan Hansen, Dean Hargreaves, Jesper Kjelskov, Astrid T. Larssen (pt Ghana), Linda Leung, Jane Li, Lian Loke, Tim Mansfield, Jeni Paay, Julia Prior, Fiona Redhead, Kirsten Sadler, Laurene Vaughan, Sue Williams

Pernille Bertelsen (Denmark), Thomas Binder (Denmark), Claus Bossen (Denmark), Andrea Botero (Finland), Monica Buscher (UK), Debra Cash (USA), Brendon Clark (Denmark), Andrew Clement (Canada), Vincenzo d'Andrea (Italy), Andy Dearden (UK), Fiorella de Cindio (Italy), Yvonne Dittrich (Denmark), Gunnar Ellingesen (Norway), Sara Eriksén (Sweden), Geraldine Fitzpatrick (Austria), Elisa Giaccardi (USA), Thierry Godjo (Benin), Judith Gregory (USA), David Hakken (USA), Bo Helgeson (Sweden), Eva Hornecker (UK), Ole Iversen (Denmark), Giulio Jacucci (Finland), Helena Karasti (Finland), Finn Kensing (Denmark), Yanki Lee (UK), Teemu Leinonen (Finland), Peter Mambrey (Germany), Preben Holst Mogensen (Denmark), Michael Muller (USA), Douglas Schuler (USA), Carla Simone (Italy), Jesper Simonsen (Denmark), Erik Stolterman (Sweden/USA), Randy Trigg (USA), Bettina Törpel (Denmark), Peter van den Besselaar (The Netherlands), Heike Winschiers-Theophilus (Namibia)

research papers, workshops, tutorials:         May 3, 2010
     - acceptance notification:                 June 10, 2010
exploratory papers, panels, posters, DC:       August 13, 2010
    - acceptance notification:                  September13, 2010
Final camera-ready submission:                 October 1, 2010

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