[esocialaction] FW: e-STAS

Dearden, Andrew M A.M.Dearden at shu.ac.uk
Wed Apr 19 09:45:01 BST 2006


From: Yolanda Rueda Cibervoluntarios.es [mailto:yolanda.rueda at cibervoluntarios.es] 
Sent: 18 April 2006 13:03
To: esocialaction at email-lists.org
Subject: e-STAS

Dear All Pleople Social Action Lists 
My name is Yolanda Rueda, and I am the president of "Cibervoluntarios" Foundation. I write for informating us about the Symposium about I.C.T. for the Social Action (e-STAS). www.e-stas.org <http://www.e-stas.org/> 
I am writing to you in order to inform about this event which is going to take part in Seville (Spain) from the 11th to the 13th of May. It is aimed to promote, foster and adapt the use of the New Techonologies for the social action. 
Indeed, it is directed to help people who could suffered more social discrimination and it could be enlarged for their incapacity to accede to this New Technology. That's why also it is organize for the volunteers of the NGO's, as basic multipliers of the action; for companies which work in this field or are working in social help, and for anyone who is interested in this area. There would be some free assitance worshops and conferences more directed to specialists. Everyone could have their particular contribution. 
Furthermore, we are working with the Club of Rome in Europe and Junta de Andalucia as well as other organizations who have experience in this area and could contribute to expand our knowledge about this subject.  I represent now all my Fundation telling you that we want to invit you to come to e-STAS, in this wonderful context which is Seville. We would be really pleased to have a personality as you participating with us in this event. That is why I ask you  to think about the possibility of join us the next 11th of May.
If you value the idea of participate in this Symposium, you could contact me and visit www.e-stas.org <http://www.e-stas.org/>  to look for more information. 
To join to the event, it is a must to register yourself in the following web direction:
Thank you for your time and atention. 
Yours sincerely, 
Yolanda Rueda Fdez
Fundación Cibervoluntarios
Tef: + (34) 91 542 29 00/ 609 78 32 72
www.cibervoluntarios.es <http://www.cibervoluntarios.es/> 
yolanda.rueda at cibervoluntarios.es
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