[esocialaction] Open Documentaries - The technical side

Mamading Ceesay mamading at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 22:21:18 GMT 2005


I've only just found out about the Open Documentary project, hope I
haven't missed the boat.  I'm quite interested in specific
FLOSS-related aspects:

1) The effectiveness and usability of Dynebolic (
http://dynebolic.org/ ) as a Linux distribution supporting the
production and distribution of multimedia.  In particular, the new
version in development dyne II ( http://dev.dynebolic.org/ ) is
specifically designed to enable the creation of custom variants
tailored to the needs of particular groups and individuals as
required.  So in the context of the Open Documentary project, ensuring
that Dynebolic can meet the needs of those working on the media
production and distribution aspects of the project and enhancing it
where it falls short.

2) The development of a FLOSS web-based open publishing (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_publishing ) platform specifically
for the Open Documentary project designed using a situated software
approach ( http://www.shirky.com/writings/situated_software.html ) and
built using TurboGears (  http://www.turbogears.org/index.html ) .  A
fundamental aspect of the development would be balancing innovation
and usability by working closely with project participants in order to
ensure that their requirements were met.

I would like to take a hands-on role in the delivery of both of the
above, if they is deemed within the scope of the Open Documentary
project and thus suitable for inclusion.  I would also be willing to
consider taking on the coordination of any other tool
development/integration work, if nobody else steps forward.  Hope this
is of relevance and interest and welcome comments and questions.

Mamading Ceesay

"Isn't a state that keeps files on innocent persons a police state?"
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 Radio Interview with David Mery

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