[Bins] Problem with French accents

Nicolas bins_album at oxstone.com
Sat Dec 18 07:06:52 GMT 2004

On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 12:19:43AM +0000, ekes wrote:
> AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
> Your apache install is serving a single byte character set (iso-8859-1
> at a guess) utf-8 allows multi-byte characters (so you can have lots
> more characters and it is more international - it's they way forwards
> ;-). When this happens the utf-8 multi-byte character is assumed to be
> more than one single-byte character (so you got double weird characters).

Yes but... That would be the first time I need UTF-8. All of my other
webpages are displayed correctly (it's in French or in English).
Wouldn't it be possible to stay in ISO-8859-1 since I want my pages
displayed in French or English?

Moreover, here's what written in my httpd.conf:
# Default charset to iso-8859-1
# (http://www.apache.org/info/css-security/).
AddDefaultCharset on

The page which is indicated is untitled "Cross Site Scripting Info" !!!

Nicolas, Paris.

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